Birth Doula
As a Birth Doula, I work with you to explore and clarify your birth preferences for your pregnancy, I accompany you and your partner during labor and delivery and draw on my knowledge and experience to provide non-medical, practical care. I provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, help with relaxation, positioning, and other techniques to help you become emotionally prepared, physically comfortable, and well informed for your birth. I support you in the choices you make. I will also support you in exploring alternatives if changing your birth preferences becomes the best option for you and your family.
Free Phone Consultation
Complimentary meet and greet to make sure we are a good match for each other: we discuss the role of a doula, your expectations for your birth, and how I may support you.
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) welcomed
Birth Support Package 1
2 Prenatal visits (1-2 hours)
Birth attendance and continuous labor support at the hospital
Postpartum support immediately after birth (1-2 hrs)
Encourage skin-to-skin and assist with Breastfeeding
Comfort techniques, review birth preferences
Doula the Dads
1 follow-up Postpartum visit 1-2 hours
Periodic check-ins with you
Informational, Emotional & Physical Support
On call from 37 weeks gestation
Birth photos: with your camera or my phone to capture these sacred moments if you choose to
Birth Support Package 2
2-3 Prenatal visits 1-2 hours each
In the first visit, we’ll discuss labor positions, concerns, comfort techniques, and review birth preferences; the Second visit we’ll cover postpartum preferences, recovery & transition, infant care & feeding
Support in the home from the onset of labor
Encourage skin-to-skin
Doula the Dads
2 follow-up Postpartum visits 1-2 hours
Periodic check-ins with you
Informational, Emotional & Physical Support
On call from 37 weeks gestation
Birth photos: with your camera or my phone to capture these sacred moments if you choose to
Access to informational handouts
Birth Support Package 3
2-3 Prenatal visits 1-2 hours each
In the first visit we’ll discuss labor positions, concerns, comfort techniques, and review birth preferences; Second visit we’ll cover postpartum preferences, recovery & transition, and infant care & feeding
Support in the home from the onset of labor
Postpartum support immediately after birth (1-2 hrs)
Encourage skin-to-skin
Doula the Dads
9 hours of postpartum support within the first 2 weeks
Periodic check-ins with you & unlimited phone support
Informational, Emotional & Physical Support
On call from 37 weeks gestation
Basic Breastfeeding support immediately postpartum
Access to informational handouts
Birth photos: with your camera or my phone to capture these sacred moments if you choose to
As a Doula, I Do Not:
Perform any clinical tasks
These tasks and measurements, such as checking blood pressure or vaginal exams, are handled strictly by hospital staff. I am there to provide physical comfort and emotional support only.
Make decisions for you
I will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision. I will also remind you if there is a departure from your birth preferences.
Speak to the staff on your behalf
I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak directly to the clinical staff.
Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience
My only concern is to assist you in achieving a birth experience as close as possible to the one you envisioned. I have no preconceived notions of what this experience should be like, or what you should or shouldn't do.
Extra Breastfeeding Support CLC
I will provide breastfeeding support that will explain the importance of skin-to-skin, rooming-in with baby the first 24 hrs to learn your baby's feeding cues, feeding baby on cue (demand), going over how to use and purchase breast pumps, pumping, milk storage and more. I will talk about a newborn's first milk (colostrum) and why babies should have it and how to increase and keep your milk supply up. And go over any other breastfeeding issues that may occur.
Last but not least, I provide an abundance of encouragement for you and your family.
90-minute session (additional fee $250)
If further assistance is needed, I will refer you to a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in or close to your area.