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Postpartum Doula

As a Postpartum Doula, I provide non-medical, practical care to make sure that your physical, emotional, and practical needs as you transition to motherhood are met. I help with basic newborn care,  guide you towards new mom resources, etc. I support you so that you can rest, recover, and bond with your baby. As you assess your needs for your expanding family, I provide the resources for your household to run smoothly while everyone adjusts to life with a newborn. Postpartum visits are a minimum of 3-4 hours per visit. Research evidence shows that the quality services of a postpartum doula can ease the transition that comes with the addition of a baby to a family, improve parental satisfaction and reduce the risk of mood disorders.


Each prenatal visit is usually 1-2 hrs to get to know you and your family's needs (partner's presence recommended). It is a good idea to meet with a postpartum doula before the baby is here.

Postpartum Support


Postpartum Plan (getting organized before the birth)

Breastfeeding support and instructions

 referral to a lactation consultant (IBCLC) if needed

Bottle feeding support

Education on newborn care to help parents become familiar with bathing, umbilical cord care, feeding, soothing and more

Coping skills for new parents

Non-medical newborn care

Support in processing birth experience

Emotional support

Family support (dads, grandmothers, etc)

Soothing techniques

Basic baby-wearing support

Spend time with a newborn and/or older siblings allowing the family a peaceful rest time

Accompanying mother and infant to doctor's appt

Nursery organization for optimal infant care

Run small errands, light household help, and light meal prep

Making appropriate referrals when necessary

Reassuring you that you are doing a fantastic job

Mothering the Mother

Access to my lending library (books / DVDs)

An open, non-judgmental ear, as well

Birth journal (with 48 hr contract)

Belly binding (additional fee)


The minimum session is 3 hours daily and a maximum of 4 hours daily.


Available Packages:

12 hours to be used in 1-2 weeks

16 hours to be used in 1-2 weeks

24 hours to be used in 2 weeks

36 hours to be used in 3 weeks

48 hours to be used in 4 weeks


Birth and Postpartum Combo - Includes birth services + 3 hours of postpartum support in the first week after the birth.


One-Time Postpartum Session


Getting started on your first day home alone without the doctors or nurses

Answer any questions and alleviate any concerns

Postpartum Plan preparation

Breastfeeding support and instruction (CLC)

referral to a lactation consultant (IBCLC) if needed

Education on newborn care to help parents become familiar with bathing, umbilical cord care, feeding, soothing and more

Coping skills for new parents

An open, non-judgmental ear, as well


One-time Session minimum of 1- 3 hours. Fee $225




Tanisha Evans-Marin CD,PCD(DONA),CLC, LCCE

Birth/Postpartum Doula

Serving New York City

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Tel: 1-646-801-6204

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